The UK Government is very concerned about people travelling overseas without adequate travel insurance and declares that ‘It is important to take out comprehensive travel insurance before travelling abroad’.
Because of the risk of travelling without adequate insurance, the UK Government they have launched the Travel Aware campaign. Travel Aware is designed to highlight the risks, that travellers face if they travel without the proper insurance.
These risks can include:
- Emergency medical treatment costs, including hospital charges and ambulance fees
- Returning you home following medical treatment abroad if you cannot use your original ticket
- Reasonable additional transport and/or accommodation expenses for a close relative or friend to stay with you or travel from the UK to escort you if required
- Temporary emergency dental treatment for the relief of immediate pain
- 24 hours assistance helplines to offer support and advice about appropriate treatment.
Travel insurance can also be an important part of a travel agent’s revenue. Many travel agents do not sell travel because of the stipulations set down by the Financial Conduct Authority. However, our experience and expertise can guide your business so that you could generate a secondary income stream from referring travel insurance clients to Leisureworld.
Referring travel insurance clients to Leisureworld could not be simpler. All it takes is the completion of the online referral form and we do the rest. Our qualified and experienced staff provide a comprehensive service that is fully compliant with FCA IDD requirements to sell a regulated product.
Whether your client is booking a short break or a World cruise costing £100,000p/p all clients can be insured.
The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements regulations came into effect on the 1st July 2018.
The 2018 Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements regulations apply,throughout the UK, to the sale of packages and linked travel arrangements (LTAs).
The regulations explicitly place liability for the performance of the travel services included in the package on the organiser irrespective of whether the travel services are performed by third parties.
(a) packages (defined below) offered for sale or sold by travel organisers to travellers, and
(b) linked travel arrangements (LTAs) (defined below), which are concluded on or after the commencement date of 1 July 2018.
(a) packages and linked travel arrangements covering a period of less than 24 hours, unless overnight accommodation is included;
(b) packages offered, and linked travel arrangements facilitated, occasionally on a not-for-profit basis for a limited group of travellers;
(c) packages and linked travel arrangements purchased on the basis of a general agreement
All travel organisers, both those acting as principal or agent selling package holidays in the UK and EU have to comply with these regulations.
If you would like to find out how we can help please contact us.